by Matt Neuburg <matt@tidbits.com> After some years exploring the Web, most of us have collected a number, possibly quite a large number, of URLs that we keep squirrelled away for future reference, in accordance with our habits and preserved URLs are often referred to as "bookmarks." Adam wrote a
three-part article in 1996 on bookmark management software
and techniques, but at the time I paid scant attention,
since my browser of choice, Internet Explorer, handled them
adequately, providing a hierarchical menu for choosing
"favorite" URLs and an outline interface for arranging them.
All that changed, though, in the move to Mac OS X. The
problem was partly migrating my settings from Mac OS 9 to
Mac OS X and keeping them coordinated in case I switched
back. But even more important, I no longer _had_ a browser
of choice - in this brave new world, I have been
experimenting with several browsers (Internet Explorer,
Mozilla, OmniWeb, and others) that clamor for my attention.
With abrupt clarity, I knew I needed a separate,
browser-agnostic URL keeper to act as a central
repository. In this moment of
need, Alco Blom's URL Manager Pro saved my bacon. I have
been using it in various development versions for months
now, but it has just gone final as version 3.0, which seems
an appropriate opportunity to recommend it. And I most
certainly do. To put it simply, if I had to list the top
five utilities without which I could never have made the
switch to Mac OS X, URL Manager Pro would be one of
them. Laying Out the
Garden Similarly, there are various ways to add a URL from your browser to the bookmark file. You can drag the address from the browser into the bookmark file; you can choose Add Bookmark from URL Manager Pro's Dock icon menu while the browser window is frontmost; you can choose Add Bookmark from the browser's shared menu if it has one; and in some browsers you can even Control- click a link and choose Add Link to URL Manager Pro from the contextual menu. Tough Row to
Hoe Nonetheless, URL Manager Pro is a powerful program, full of surprises and usually anticipating your needs; most users will probably require just a fraction of its power. It can be set to watch and record your browsing in a history list, so you can later recover a URL you forgot to add previously. It can import all the links within a Web page or email. It can validate links. I could go on and on - its abilities are too various to list here. Try it and see for yourself. URL Manager Pro runs
natively under Mac OS 8 or higher (2.4 MB download),
including Mac OS X (2.2 MB download). It costs a mere $25,
or $11 to upgrade from version 2. For $37 you can register
both URL Manager Pro and Alco Blom's other shareware
utility, Web Confidential, on which I also depend for
storing and retrieving user account and password information
(see Adam's review - "Web Confidential: Securing Information
of All Sorts" in TidBITS-441_). |
Wellington Macintosh Society Inc. 2002